English Exercises Online to Become a Spanish Interpreter: Social Services -Advanced 103

Practice Spanish with these English exercises online to become an interpreter or a fluent Speaker of both languages. 

Practice Makes Perfect. Practice scenarios if you want to become an interpreter. Scenario practices for Spanish interpreters, advanced English, social services scenarios for interpreters. exercises for interpreters

Always remember:
  • Exercise your Short-term memory. 
  • Expand your vocabulary of the industry
  • Practice your listening, conversation and interpretation skills

First time here? Start by reading our articles about how to study these scenarios here.

Interpreter: Thank you for calling this is Miguel, Spanish interpreter 8888. How may I help you today?

Rep: Okay.  Mr. Gonzalez, I have your Spanish interpreter on the line. Can you please tell me what I can help you with today?

Interpreter: Bien, Sr. González, tengo a su intérprete de español en la línea. ¿Me puede decir con qué le puede ayudar hoy? 

LEP: Sí. Llamo porque tengo Medical para mi y toda mi familia y alguien me llamó hoy y me dijo que el Medical ha sido cancelado. Quisiera saber por qué.

Interpreter: Yes. I am calling because I have Medical for me and my entire family and someone called me today and told me that the Medical has been canceled. I would like to know why? 

Rep: Okay, let’s check that. Allow me to place you on hold. One moment please. I just want to see if you are still active on the state system because your case is showing approved in the system I have.

Interpreter: Bien. Vamos a revisarlo.  Permítame ponerle en espera. Un momento por favor. Yo solo quiere ver si usted todavía está activo en el sistema estatal porque su caso aparece como aprobado en el sistema que tengo. 

LEP: Está muy bien. Gracias.

Interpreter: Very well. Thank you.

Rep: Thank you for holding Mr. Gonzalez. Everyone looks fine in the state system, except for Mario. He is inactive, but I am going to go ahead and active him. 

Interpreter: Gracias por la espera Sr. González. Todos lucen bien en el sistema estatal, excepto Mario. Él está inactivo, pero yo voy tomar iniciativa y lo activaré. 

Rep: Besides, there was a Medical redetermination package that was sent on December 12. Have you received it yet? And if you did, have you sent it back to us?

Interpreter: Además, hubo un paquete de re-determination de Medical que fue enviado en Diciembre 12.  ¿Ya lo recibió? Y si lo recibió, ¿Nos lo envió de vuelta?

LEP: Sí lo recibí, pero no lo envié de regreso porque era para servicios dentales.

Interpreter: Yes, I did receive it, but I did not send it back because it was for dental services. 

Rep: Okay, let him know that he still has time to send him back. So he needs to completed, if he hasn’t yet, and send it back, otherwise, your Medical may be terminated as the paper says. 

Interpreter: Muy bien, usted todavía tiene tiempo de enviarlo devuelta. Así que necesita completarlo, si aún no lo ha hecho, de otra forma, su Medical podría ser terminado tal como dice el papel. 

LEP: Yo pensé que todavía tenía tiempo. Bueno está bien, lo enviaré hoy mismo tan pronto pueda. ¿Es el que dice Health Care Option en la esquina arriba?

Interpreter: I thought I still had time. Well that fine, I will send it today as soon as I can. Is the one that says Health Care option on the upper corner?

Rep: Let me check and I will be able to tell you. Allow me just a moment please.

Interpreter: Deje revisar y podré decirle. Permítame solo un momento por favor. 

LEP: Está bien, Oiga.

Interpreter: That’s fine. 

Rep: This paper is asking for verifications such as: proof of immigration status, proof of income, the copy of the social security card and proof of residency. 

Interpreter: Este papel le está pidiendo verificaciones tales como: prueba de estatus migratorio, prueba de ingreso, copia de una tarjeta de seguro social y prueba de residencia.

LEP: Y es para todos los de la familia.

Interpreter: Is it for everyone in the family. 

Rep: He needs to send us proof for everyone in his household.

Interpreter: Usted tiene que enviarnos pruebas de todos los miembros de su unidad familiar.

LEP: Muy bien.

Interpreter:  Very well.

Rep: Do you need anything else this morning? 

Interpreter:  ¿Usted necesita alguna otra cosa esta mañana. 

LEP: ¿Es todo oiga?

Interpreter: That’s it.

Rep: Very well. Thank you for your call. 

LEP: Muchas gracias por su ayuda.

Interpreter: Thank you for your help.

Rep: You are welcome. Thank you interpreter. That’ll be all.

Interpreter: Thank you for using our services. This is your Spanish interpreter 8888. Have a great day!

Last Word

This proven method strengthens your language skills such as: reading, speaking, listening and develops your memory all at once. Follow the steps to learn English (or Spanish) easy. With constant practice you are going to become fluent in both languages and will be able to become an interpreter. Practice makes perfect! Keep practicing! 

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