English Spanish Exercises Online: Calling Social Services -Advanced 101

Spanish interpreter. Ejercicios para intérpretes, escenarios y prácitas para interpretes. Intérprete tomando nota para interpretar, toma de notas para interpretes,

Practice Spanish with these English exercises online to become an interpreter or a fluent Speaker of both languages.

Always remember:

  • Exercise your Short-term memory. 
  • Expand your vocabulary of the industry
  • Practice your listening, conversation and interpretation skills

First time here? Start by reading our articles about how to study these scenarios here

Scenario # 1: Calling Social Services

Interpreter: Thank you for calling this is Jose. I´ll be your Spanish interpreter id number 7777. How may I help you? 

Rep: Hi! Jose. I am not sure what happen with the previous interpreter but we got disconnected. I have a participant here. According to this person they did not apply for Medical. I can see here they have an application date of January 17, and can just start by asking if they happened to do any paperwork with us at that time?

Interpreter: This is the interpreter speaking, did you say January 17?

Rep: Yeah.  

Interpreter: Thank  you (to the Rep). ¡Buenas tardes! yo seré el intérprete para usted y para el Representante. ¿Realizó usted algún tipo de papeleo con nosotros en enero 17?

LEP: Sí. Yo los llamé porque quería ver si ustedes tenían otra opción de aseguranza, pero me querían enviar con Medical. Entonces ellos me dijeron que no calificaba para Medical. Dijeron que debía estar asegurada con ellos. 

Interpreter: Yes. I called you because I wanted to see if you had any other option for medical insurance, but they wanted to send me to Medical. Then, they told me that I did not qualify for Medical. They said I had to get insured with them.

Rep: I see…

Interpreter: Ya veo. 

LEP: Yo solo llamaba para hacer una cotización de los precios que ustedes ofrecían. Ellos me estaban enviando a Medical, pero después me dijeron que no calificaba para medical. Entonces, ya que el que ustedes me ofrecían era muy caro preferí la tomar aseguranza de mi empleador. ¿Usted sabe por qué me enviaron este papel?

Interpreter: I was just calling to get a quote of the prices you offered. They told me to go to Medical, but later they told me that I didn’t qualify for Medical. Then, since the one you offered me was too expensive I decided to take the insurance offered by my employer. Do you know why they sent me this paper?

Courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net

REP: The paper you received let you know that an application was submitted to Medical so that they can process it. Ese papel es solo para dejarle saber quién es su encargada de caso.

Interpreter: El papel que recibió es para dejarle saber que una solicitud fue sometida a Medical para que ellos la procesen. Ese papel es solo para dejarle saber quién es la encargada de su caso. 

LEP: Yo solo necesito que me saquen del sistema. No necesito el Medical. Así que ellos no deberían estar enviándome más papeleo. Como le dije, mi empleador ya me dio una aseguranza y ya no necesito otra.

Interpreter: I just need you to remove me from the system. I do not need Medical. So, they shouldn’t send me more paperwork. As I told you, my employer gave me insurance already and I do not need another one. 

REP: You have a pending status. That’s said, I cannot just remove your application from the system. What I can do for you is to send a message to your worker so that they can speed the process for you.

Interpreter: Usted aparece con un estado de pendiente. Habiendo dicho esto, yo no puedo solo remover su solicitud del sistema. Lo que puedo hacer por usted es enviar un mensaje a su trabajadora para que puedan apurar el proceso para usted. 

LEP: Muy bien. Siempre y cuando ellos no me envíen más papeleo de Medical está bien. Realmente no lo necesito. Ellos parecen haberse confundido con mi llamada. Por favor solo sáqueme de allí. 

Interpreter: Very well. As long as they don’t send me more paperwork for Medical, it is okay. I don’t really need it. It seems they got confused with my call. Please just remove me out of there. 

REP: As soon as the worker receives this message she will take care of your case and you will no longer receive more paperwork. Your application will be withdrawn from the system. It usually takes about three business days.

Interpreter: Tan pronto como la trabajadora reciba este mensaje se encargará de su caso, y usted ya no recibirá más papeleo. Su solicitud será retirada del sistema. Usualmente se toma como tres días laborables.

LEP: Okay, muy bien. Muchas gracias. Era todo lo que quería. Ya ve que a veces uno se confunde con tanto papeleo.

Interpreter: Okay, very well. Thank you very much. That’s everything I wanted. As you know, sometimes people get confused with so much paperwork.

REP: Yes, ma’am. I understand. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Interpreter: Sí, señora. Le entiendo. ¿Hay algo más con lo que le pueda ayudar?

LEP: No, eso era todo lo que necesitaba.

Interpreter: No, that was everything I needed.

REP: Thank you! Have a great day!

Interpreter: ¡Gracias! ¡Que tenga un gran día!

REP: Gracias! 

Interpreter: Thank you! Anything else for the interpreter?

REP: No. Thank you interpreter. You did a great job!

Interpreter: Thank you so much for calling our services. My name is Jose id 7777. Have a great day.

courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net

This proven method strengthens your language skills such as: reading, speaking, listening and develops your memory all at once. Follow the steps to learn English (or Spanish) easy. With constant practice you are going to become fluent in both languages and will be able to become an interpreter. Practice makes perfect! Keep practicing!

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